Protect Texas Water.
Tell Texas Leaders from state to local levels we demand access, openness and accountablity to hold them responsible to remedy existing and prevent future over allocation (beyond sustainable yield) and contamination of Texas waters and groundwater and that public dollars should not be used to compensate or pay back water or groundwater permitees to reduce their already over allocated permit amounts. Most surface waters ( outside of flood events) in Texas depend upon our aquifers. Texas water is for all our people who live in Texas communities (including Native and Mexican Americans) and ecosystems. Texas Water and groundwater is not for commercial or private profit. Tell our State leaders and agency directors we do not want them giving companies the right to control access to water that should be available and of high quality to all life in Texas. Also we do want our taxes and public funds to be used and not held back for protection and clean up of water and groundwater quality especially in areas known to currently be associated with declines in human health. Also we DO WANT our public funds used to develop and implement more water conservation, reuse and non aquifer storage and supply technologies especially for storing and using rainwater on large and small scales first instead of or prior to making any plans and programs of blending treated but still contaminated salt or fresh water or groundwater into our public drinking water supply. We do not want our bodies used to filter contaminated waters nor our ecosystems contaminated with brine or toxic waste products.
Please sign the petition Stop Texas Water Hogs, it includes actions protect water quality for All Texans too.
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