Saturday, August 24, 2013

Check Out Raffi's Evergreen Everblue!!
Herald Zietung Newspaper about Comal Spring 1 drying up with over 40 comments

Humans out of sync, out of harmony with nature

Posted: Friday, August 16, 2013 11:56 pm

Tweeters note Comal Springs starting to go dry

Posted: Saturday, August 17, 2013 10:00 pm
Sing and Share ideas  about Comal  Springflows
From Cheryl Gilpin
To  community of New Braunfels, Texas.

I wrote some Lyrics about Comal Springs to melodies sung by Arlo Guthrie and by Raffi. ( These are for my community to rally love and stewardship for Comal Springflows.

Please pass on these lyrics to all your organizations and churches,  and to friends in other organizations. Sing this at your next gatherings, make a video recording  and send a link  to me for me to compile with others.  My email is  seacheyl at gmail dot com.
Also please email me your ideas and suggestions,  I really hope to get lots of positive suggestions to share about water conservation and improvements to land and water use practices (gardeners too) and large and small scale rainwater harvesting and systems of non sewage  water reuse .   I will make a website and share these.  Our Comal main spring doesn’t have to keep looking like it did in 1956, this is even worse for our aquifer today.  Edwards aquifer  levels are dropping at a unusually very extreme rate.  Massive take of endangered species are occurring but agencies are looking the other way as if this is what was planned and as if this is acceptable.  Still, inspite of state legislature mandate,  there is no aquifer agency level requirement by the aquifer critical period management for permitted pumpers to reduce pumping during the time of critical period.

Song 1
These Springs are your Springs
Lyrics copyright by Little Miss Biosphere, Cheryl Gilpin  
(melody:  “This land is your land”)
These springs are your springs,
these springs are my springs,
From the high plateau  (highland hills),
To the coastal wetlands.
From the Edwards Aquifer,
To the Aransas Refuge,
Comal Springs*  were made for you and me.   *(Other names of hill country springs and their features can be substituted)
On the Balcones Cliff,
I stood in wonder,
At the rush of water,
and the constant cooling.
And way down under,
I heard a whisper,
Comal Springs were made for you and me.
Springfish are darting,
Amphipods swim sideways,
Water Pennies hang  tightly,
In the riffle pools.
In a climate of drought
Cool water keeps flowing
When its healthy for springlife
its healthy for people.
Comal Springs were made for you and me.

When it comes to pumping
I tell you what (2 syllables) wha…at
It really sucks I tell you why (a tempo)
Laws protect pumpers
 that suck our springs dry
Comal Springs were made for you and me.
I f you wanna protect springs
Now you must speak up.
Before the water hogs
suck it all up
Cold flows make it healthy
For people and critters at the same time (a tempo)
Saving Comal Springflow is up to you and me.
Comal Springs were made for you and me.
Comal Springflow is up to you and me
These springs are your springs
These springs are my springs
From the highland hills
To the coastal wetlands
From the Edwards Aquifer
To the Aransas refuge
Comal springs were made for you and me.
(AND the Whooping Cranes too!!)  

Song 2

Comal Springflows are up to me and up to you.Lyrics copyright 2013 by Little Miss Biosphere Cheryl Gilpin  Melody from Raffi song “Evergreen Everblue.”
               Chorus:  From  our heart,  Planet Earth
Comal Springs are  speaking,  Chorus
Reduce   pumping during drought time, Chorus
The Aquifer must not be ruined, Chorus
Extinctions must be avoided, Chorus
Forevergreen, Foreverblue, Comal Springs have flowed eternal,  We have to let them continue.
Forevergreen, foreverblue, Comal Springflows are up to me and up to you.
Water is for life, Chorus
Water is for living, Chorus
Water is not for profit, Chorus
We can not drink money, Chorus
Forevergreen, Foreverblue, Comal Springs have flowed eternal, We have to see them continue
Forevergreen, foreverblue, Comal Springflows are up to me and up to you.
The Edwards Aquifer is sacred, Chorus
Comal Springs are  Holy, Chorus
We are interconnected, Chorus
We must partner with nature, Chorus
Forevergreen, Foreverblue, Comal Springs have flowed eternal, We have to see them continue
Forevergreen, foreverblue, Comal Springflows are up to me and up to you.

We must catch the rainfall, Chorus
Don’t wait just do it, Chorus
Make your own place for skywater, Chorus
Make your own place for water reuse, Chorus
Reduce pumping during drought time, Chorus
Just do things with less water, Chorus
Forevergreen, Foreverblue, Comal Springs have flowed eternal, We have to see them continue

Forevergreen, foreverblue, Comal Springflows are up to me and up to you.